Drabble: Brand Loyalty

May 22, 2009 15:19

It occurred to me that I haven't written a drabble for QaF Drabbles in quite a while, so I decided to rectify that. The prompt this week is loyalty.

Title: Brand Loyalty
Author: mysid
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Prompt: Loyalty
Condom to: Daphne

“I’m not using fucking Trojans,” Brian stated flatly. He refused to take the offending packet from Justin’s hand. “I taught you better than that, Sunshine.”

“Well, I’m all out,” Justin paused to tear it open with his teeth and rolled the condom on Brian’s cock, “and this is what my roommate has.”

“How can you be out?” Brian looked like he wanted to take the words back. He added gruffly, “You knew I was coming for the weekend. I thought you’d stock up.”

“Forgot to check if I was low.” Justin smiled. “Haven’t had as much use for them lately.”

qaf, drabble, qaf fic

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