Jan 10, 2004 14:35
ok... i did have a crazy dream last night...
i only remember it in pieces though..
ok i remember waiting in the back seat
of a car at night (why do my dreams
have night in them all the time?) ok
so i didn't know where we were going,
but it was real tight in the back. so
there was a girl sitting next to me
that looked familiar but i didn't know
who she was. she had dirty blond or
light brown hair. he hair was kind of short.
well, it was in between short and long.
huge blue eyes and the perfect shaped
lips.. she was kind of short too.. like
5 foot.. 5 foot 1 inch, something like that.
so i remember us talking but i don't
remember what about. so the next thing
i know.. we're at a gas station and
there are other people there.. but the
gas station was under construction and
made out of wood. i remember packs of
cigarettes laying on the ground and
i had a gun that couldn't shoot right
as we built a gas station out of wood.
so then we drove to this house... it
was weird because it was a plain but
huge house.. there was a living room,
a dining room, and a hall way with a
set of stairs. the stairs go up for
what looked to be 50 stories.. but from
the outside the house didn't look taller
than 1 story.. i knew my uncle said it
was huge when he bought it. i only
realized once inside. so all the people
i was with run upstairs and enter a
different door. for some reason i was
content on entering each room as i went
upstairs. i can't remember exactly why though
but i walked up the stairs and went into
the rooms. once in a room i was in another
environment. i can remember some of the rooms.
one especially was a small town street.
then i saw a dude who looked like david
lee roth from van halen on a surf board,
being pulled down the street by a car.
each time i found the person i knew in
each room the scene went away.. i do remember
most of the rooms having people on surf boards
and weird scenery.. but it's a little cloudy.
i remember crawling up th last few levels and
seeing all the people who were hiding in
the rooms on the last floor. the last floor
was a huge sun lit room with nothing in it.
then the people went to hide again and it
started all over again... all the weird
rooms.. all the walking and chasing.. everything
although i think my mind mentaly skipped that
part, but i remembered it and the drab lighting
on the brownish yellow walls.. the last
thing i remember was asking my uncle how
he could live in a house without beds or
any furniture and he said it was because it
was big and emotionless and then i woke up.
weird huh? i know there was weirder shit
but i can't remember the rest of it.. sorry =/