Apr 05, 2006 00:04
I've been very busy lately.
I have Java homework to do, I dropped advanced C++ due to stress, and I have a website I'm supposed to design.
And I think I have an idea. After doing a bit of research, I found out the Microsoft has an intern program.
Problem: Its only available in Seattle and Silicon Vally (Washington and California respectivly).
On the plus side, they will pay for my travel fare, housing, transportation (rental car or bicycle), and a housekeeper among other things.
At the moment, it's just an exciting new idea and a direction to go. It's would only be for about 3 months but it would look awesome on my resume (which I need to write). I'm thinking of going to seattle and probably taking the bus.
"The bus!? Are you mad!?" No. Just afraid to fly. I might drive, but it's a two day trip (although I'll be reimbursed and I could probably work that in as my rental car). Down side to that is that my driving knee tends to lock up and I'd need to stop at hotels. Bus would more than likely be covered fully plus I'm used to it. And if I choose the right time of the year, it won't be too crowded. Train might be an option as well.
Bus: roughly 4-5 transfers and 3-4 days
Train: Looking like 3-4 days and 3 transfers
Car: Most direct route. 2-3 days depending on rests
Plane: 5-7 hours. 1-3 transfers (from what I've seen). No way in hell.
I don't even ride rollercoasters :p
It's all still in the planning stages. And I have no idea where I'll go after that. By the time I go, it might be close to the end of our current lease and I'll be clase to being kicked out (because of Melissa). Hopefully either David will get rid of her or she will get over herself. Either that or they might at least hold on to my things while I'm away.
I'll also need new clothes and spending money so it'll be at least a semester until I go. I'm excited about the prospect of going somewhere new, but I also love it here in Charlotte.
My dad is ok with the idea. My mom will probably freak.
In other news: I got a cavity filled today. Ow. And I remember now why I hate getting cavities filled. The stuff they use to numb me never really works all the way. Sure my soft tissue gets numb, but the inside of my tooth doesn't. She even gave me a concentrated dose right under the tooth. Nothing. So three hours later I could finally feel my face again.
And somehow I ended up with a cleaning appointment on May second. What the hell :O