Dec 10, 2005 11:29

For those who don't get it:
Holiday == Holy Day
How is it bad and terror-ific?

The only thing ruining Christmas for me is that it is about a month and a half from starting in July. Can't anyone see that it has become a corrupt holiday? Every year that is a MUST HAVE toy or game or console that convieniently doesn't come out until a month before Christmas and makes people crazy.
This year (a week ago more or less) someone bid over $1000 for an XBox 360. Right now someone is bidding on an XBox 360 for $995 and still has 2 days till is closes. A few years ago it was "Tickle Me Elmo". Does anyone still want/care about it now? Nope. In a year the XBox 360 will not only go down in price a bit, but will be available in mass. Hell, game stores will be using them as door stops in a little more than that. But right now, people are paying insane amounts of money, trampling, and all-but killing for it cause thier kid will die without it(GOOD).

This is a horrible way to celebrate Jesus' birthday ya know(since it's considered a Christian holiday). I mean, Jesus isn't coming down from heaven and smiting people so he can get one, is he? Cause if he did, I must've missed it.

And since when was "Happy Holidays" a horrible thing to say? I thought it was "PC" and now it's bad?

My phiosophy stands:
People are stupid.
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