Nov 18, 2003 01:25
David's being a total JackAss right now. Why?
We were playing "You Don't Know Jack: The Ride". No problem there. In my mind, this is how the game works:
You answer a question, you type in your name, and you go to a floor. That's how I thought it worked. In my mind it was completely random to an extent.
In David's mind, he ASSUMED I knew how the damned thing worked and didn't explin to me that after a while you get a new host and that the floors don't repeat.
In short, he's pissed at me and took his stupid game to his room and I yelled at him for being a Jackass because when I realized that each floor was different, I turned it off before he told me that it didn't repeat itself.
Guess what? Now I'm pissed. I was going to play one more round and go to bed. Now I'm going to play Chrono Trigger and be pissed and miserable.
I want everything to get better now. Everything lately seems to suck. I have to pay the f-ing UNCC bastards $50 that I don't have on top of having enough for rent before I leave. My new job isn't giving me hours. David's mad at me and vise versa. And right now I wish that I didn't exsist to cause pain and conflict in the world because that's all that I seem to do.
Everyone either hates me, barely tolerates me, or ignores me.
So again I wonder why I'm here and why I'm always in the way.