May 17, 2004 13:50
Yeah, so, I haven't written in WAY too long... I've been pretty darn busy for the most part and just slacking and not in the mood for the rest of the time. Let's see, where did I leave off... oh yeah, Annie and Brett's wedding. That was one fun night! The best part of the night was switching tables to be with all my cool peoples. ;o) And there was also the fun to be had dancing to half played songs (not being sarcastic there... that really amused me) and the after party at Bickfords. haha. Good times... Next is Ryan and Alisa!!
The next couple of weeks are kind of a blur cause I've had a brain like a sieve lately and my mind hasn't retained too much information. But I think I've had fun... haha. Been hanging out with good friends and catching up with some I haven't hung out with in a few months. OH OH, went to the circus!!! Can't forget that greatness! That was just too much fun... And the drive in was definitely a good time too. I have a feeling that this summer is going to turn into one of the greats. :)
This past weekend however started out about as crappy as it could get. Pretty much everything that could go wrong at once did, and left me pretty depressed. Why is it that when one bad thing happens the world usually decides that would be the time to dump everything else on you as well?? Thankfully though, in the end I ended up having a pretty great time. Friday I went to the movies with Kevin, Kyria, and some new people. (sorry if I wasn't too much fun, i was still in a bad mood :P) Saturday night Bri, Justin and I drove around like idiots again, picked up one pretty darn awesome cd (lol) then met up with Pete and got a show at Johnny Rockets. Oh and there was the pillow fight in the middle of the street on Friday night... can't forget that. (I really think we all should try that some time!! that would be too much fun!) Then yesterday was girly movies at Bri's with Katie and Jess, 8 hour cookies, the hot tub, and of course quite a few laughs. :) And this is where I insert my HUGE thanks to Briana, who almost single handedly took one of the crappiest weekends and turned it completely around into one of the most enjoyable! You have proved to be one great friend and have made my life worth living on an almost regular basis lately!! Can't thank you enough chick! You're awesome! (((big hugs)))