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Nov 08, 2005 19:19

Wow! That's all I can say lol.

I don't even remember anything that's gone on past like...last wweek lol. Ah well.

Basketball is all over. :( Our last regular season game was on Thursday and we lost..ah well, we were used to it by then lol. Then on Friday we went to a tournament in Madoc. We got second!! lol..and the juionrs won! so it was a pretty good day. I'm pretty sure I was leading scorer in the first and second game..and I got my three pointer in!! HAHAH! lol. good stuff. So no more bball till next year. vball should be starting soon..i'm pretty pumped for that actually. Speakin of vball--senior boys b of q was today. it was pretty exciting stuff. Our guys were in second when i had to leave so i dont know how they finished off?

So Friday after the tournament I went over to Nicks..and then to the majors game. They won!! YAY and Nick scored..YAY! lol. it was pretty funny actually. first of all Kyle and Kurt and there little thing with the tweed guys in the minor game..lmao! Kim tellin them to stop hahah good times. Then all of us fans screaming and then ennismore parents gettin mad at us! hehe. Then there's Britt and I singin and dancing lol. Then Britt and I freakin out when Cody and Nick almost got in fights haha..picturing what we'd be lke if they actually did get into a fight..fun times. I love Britt lol. So then Nick, Kurt, Nicole and I just went to Timmys...then Nick drove me home and that was that. lol.

Saterday I just hung out with Nick the whole day...watched some movies, went in the hot tub all that good stuff. Then saterday night there was the dance in macarthurs mills which we didn't end up goin to cause ihad to be home at friggin like 12 ugg i hate it! Anyways Nick and I just went over to Kurts haha...best times! lol We went 'hunting' lmao. i love both those guys lol.

uhm Sunday lydia came over cause we had to work on our math isu...which we finished and got 90% on!~ BOO YAH! lol. Anyways..hahah the crazy messed up pics of lydia were some pretty funny stuff lol.

Monday there wasn't that many people at school because it was the first day for deer hunting. Nick had gone up to Eagenville with his dad and brothers lol. BUT this was a pretty exciting day. There was a BIG fight with KEvin and Chad...Kevin beat chad!!!! lol. It was a good fight too..and i'm sure there are going to be more that are Hawks vs. JEts. stupid stupid ppl.

Today was a boring regular school day other than B of Q..omg! I got to see STEVE!! lol finally..he's such a cutie lol. But yah classes were ok. Got our chem. test back..96% right here..pretty excited about that actually. Math test tomorrow..

So i'm sittin here right now..watchin the simpsons lmao. thinkin i should be doing some more h/w lol.


try to update sooner next time.
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