May 26, 2005 15:57
Oh yeah. I'm awesome. I get to stay in the fourth grade classroom and play on the computer for the rest of the day. x]
Y'see, I'm Mrs. Price's teachers aid (teachers aid is this thing where every Thursday from 1:45 to 2:30 we get to come to an assigned teacher's classroom and help out with teacher like things. o.O) Mrs. Price is awesome 'cause sometimes she doesn't have anything for me to do. So I just play on the computer. Rawr.
The school has these cool wireless keyboards and mouses. They're totally wicked, mate! x3
It's all cool and air conditioned in here. It's like 98 degrees outside right now and the 4th graders and the rest of the 7th graders who don't get to go to TA (teachers aid) are outside at P.E. HA. Suckers. xDD
Ugh, mah bois and mah blondehs are soo... friggen... ADORABLE. Brandon was falling asleep in Science today while we were watching Bill Nye the Science Guy and when we were lining up for lunch he was all leaning on me and yeah. <3 He was leaning on Michelle for a while but then he leaned back on me 'cause he said that I was a better pillow. I told him that it was because I'm fatter than Michelle. And we was all, "Lea, you're not fat." He's a liar. A cute one... but a liar nontheless. xDD <3
When we went back into homeroom after lunch, Austin randomly sat behind me, even though he doesn't sit there... Infact, I don't think even he knows where he sits in homeroom. o_O Anyway, but he was sitting back there and he was, like, moving the back of my chair. I turned around and was all like, "You can stop that, now." Then he did it one more time and I was like, "Stop!" I was smiling when I said it, but it was annoying, so I meant it. xD I still had the strap of my book bag over my shoulder so he started taking the velcro(sp?) pad thing off of it and I was like stop! but he got it off so I was like give it baaaaack. D: And he did... After I tried to take it away from him and he wouldn't let me. xD He is so. Friggen. Hawt, man. HAWTNESS. @.@
And Brad's awesome, too. Today when Ariella and I were walking down this corridor thing he was leaning against the wall on this seat that had broken off of one of our tables outside. It's been broken for a really long time now, but yeah. Anyway, I was all, "Cool seat." And he was all, "Yeah, I know, it's awesome. Wanna come sit down?" At first I was like, Huh? o.O But I said no and Ariella and I kept walking. She was like, "Are you not completely DYING right now?" (We use the word 'die' or 'dying' for whenever we feel lyk teh meltdie. o_O) I was like, "Well... No. Not really. I mean, that's just Brad. o.O"
Ceaser and Karima kept writing in my wokbook in math. They were drawing Honey Comb Cereal pieces, only like... really deformed ones. xD
My friends are awesome. And so are my teachers and my naias and my family and... I LUFF J00 ALL! xDD