Drabble: 2+2=5? (Popular, fanfic100)

May 28, 2008 00:56

Fanfic100, Part 3/100 -- check here for the chronology of completed fics

Title: 2 + 2 = 5?
Fandom: Popular
Pairing: Sam/Brooke
Rating: G
Prompt: 096 Writer’s Choice - Tension; written for the
fanfic100  challenge
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Alas, I don’t own the characters of Popular. They belong to Ryan Murphy, but hopefully he won’t mind if I borrow them for a little while.
Summary: Sam’s constant need to argue.
A/N: It is sophomore year in high school.
A/N2: Thanks so much to
wolfemeister   and
carpesomediem   for the beta reads!

Brooke groaned in frustration after Sam started another random fight with her. They’d already had five heated arguments that week, and it was only Tuesday.

“My God, Sam, what is wrong with you?? I swear, sometimes I think you’d try to claim that two plus two was five, if only to disagree with me!”

When Sam realized that she was actually considering the challenge of arguing that bit of math, she finally admitted to herself that she did have a problem. She really needed to find a better way of dealing with the tension that she constantly felt around Brooke.

fanfiction, fandom: popular, pairing: sam/brooke, series: moments (popular), challenge: fanfic100, drabbles, fic: popular

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