Apr 24, 2010 01:31
I went to a benefit last night for the non-profit organization called International Justice Mission (IJM). I'm so glad I went. I wish I'd had more time with the hors d'ouevres, but I guess that's just what happens when you travel during rush hour.
In any case, I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it was going to be fundraising-focused and a night of thanking volunteers and staff members, special recognitions... you know, those kinds of spiced-up, glamorous events. But instead, it was a humble evening; small, crowded in a little conference room, staffed by three and run by four, and very much about the spreading of information instead of funds. The evening was particularly about raising awareness and sharing stories from the mission field, and asking for support, whether that was in prayer, in spreading the word, or in donating.
The director of IJM Canada was the main speaker for the night, sharing two stories of two different children. One was of a boy of seven who was enslaved in a brick kiln, and the other was of a girl of eleven trafficked into prostitution. Both stories were so moving and gave me so much hope in what I've been called to do...
I've been feeling stronger than ever in my decision to switch schools and programs. I've been feeling more confident in the "career" path that I'm being led down, and scared, but faithful. I'm slowly learning how to trust God one step at a time, and surprise! He's been reliable. I know that even though I don't know the specifics of what I want to do now, and though I may not figure it out until I get there, I'm heading towards where God wants me to be - in missions. Beginning in the people, the community, the school, the city around me, heading overseas or wherever He takes me - and I'm loving it. It's not always going to be easy, and there have already been so many obstacles in my way... but I won't let it discourage me. Because I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
When I think about it, it just makes sense to be in this stage of life - becoming increasingly involved in church (oh, how I love it. So, so, so, so much), single, influential, on the Missions Committee, leading the Jr. Highs, volunteering and inputting and shepherding - because they're all small steps in the right direction.
As my pastor says: I can't mess up the Will of God. There are no mistakes, only experiences. As my friend Ian says: being involved one way is only going to lead to being involved in another (bigger, better) way.
I'm doing it. I'm making it through. Every decision I make is furthering me in life and in the plans that God has for me. Every step I take is another stepping stone laid down to pave my way. I'm not making the wrong decisions, I'm creating experiences and opening up opportunities to learn and grow and change.
And surprisingly, I'm finding, that I'm really, really loving it.
the future,