Apr 17, 2010 01:43
Do you ever feel like you just want some third person, outsider, unbiased, objective perspective on what's going on in a certain situation? Someone that can tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Do you ever feel like there's something more, something bigger, that you're missing? You're trying to place something, but you can't get it just right?
Or maybe you've figured something out. Maybe you have an answer, but you know that you're not the one who's supposed to present the answer. Because the answer from someone else will be more effective. You know you're not the one who can evoke a revelation or a change in thought. What do you do?
I need someone to voice my thoughts to my parents. Because I feel as if I've had someone voice my parents' thoughts to me, and it changed my perspective. Not only that, but it gave me a plan of action. It gave me motivation and the desire to change. What would do that for my parents about me?
The question I've been asking myself lately is: does my decision increase trust?:
trust in me from my parents?
trust in me from God?
trust in me from myself?
It was hard at first to turn down camping trips, shopping trips, trips out of town, even lunches with friends, movies, small things that still require me to spend any significant or insignificant amount of money. It's becoming easier. The hard decisions now are decisions that ask me to give sacrificially of my time. But one step at a time, right? I'm seeing the hope in my situation and understanding that there is never a quick fix or fast solution to a deep problem.
I have to stop running from my problems. I have to stop pretending that they're going to disappear the more I ignore them. That's not the way it works. I can't rely on my parents to fix them anymore, either. Now that I'm beginning to decrease my dependence on them, it's up to me to take responsibility for what I do with my time, my money, my desires, my life.
Cause You love me, and that consumes me, and I'll stand up again, and do so willingly...
please pray,