Jun 17, 2004 01:20
I decieded today on my wet, slippery drizzly drive to subway on my lunch break, that nature has a large impact on my mood. It's finally clear to me. But honestly, I have noticed a more depressed outlook during the winter monthes, but when summer comes along, I dust off my happy music and blare it till my ears are ringing. I feel safe when my mood is in the hands of nature. I trust it more than mankind.
I learned something humbling today. My parents were telling me about how my Grandfather was a stern/hard man all of his life. But when I was born he used to hold me and sing me german lullabies. It actually brought tears to my eyes. As emo as that sounds. But it's just amazing to think that someone I don't have much of a recollection of, had such an unconditional love for me. It's really quite mind-blowing to think about.
Time to surrender to the bed gods. Goodnight.