Dec 03, 2005 08:39
So I've been going to an actual public school for 3 days, now, and so far things have been boring as hell. I have to try to catch up with everyone else in the classes so I've been taking notes like crazy and paying close close attention to the teachers, which sucks because most of them irritate the life out of me.
And it's conversations like these:
Girl 1 to Boy: So if there was a girl who's WICKED WICKED WICKED pretty and popular...but she was WICKED WICKED fat, would you go out with her?
Boy: No lolz!@*3 But I heard that girls were into fat guys.
Girl 2: That's true. I like fat guys...well not WICKED fat but just like, you know...chubby fat. Yeah, chubby...that's a word, right? lolz
Girl 3: Yeah I like big guys, too. My bf weighs 250.
Girl 2: Mine weighs 180.
Girl 3: and I'm like 5'2" and 138
Girl 2: yeah I'm 5'9" and 130
Girl 3: ... but like, it's all muscle because I, um, work out a lot and stuff... yeah.
/end convo
that makes me sit alone during lunch doing my homework/want to spoon my eyes out.
Only a million bajillion days til graduation.