#176. Scars

May 03, 2007 15:24

[locked from everyone]

The rain poured down, bathing the sidewalk in a shower of endless water. Drenching the poor fools on their way to work, attempting to stay close to the sides of buildings. Under the awnings. Pitiful. Mystique fixed her sunglasses, leaning back in the cafe chair and watched the people pass by. Packed together like sardines, moving like a group of cows across the cement. She spotted a private eye across the street. Long lens camera tucked lovingly on his lap, gaze focused on the hotel. Some celebrity was stashed away inside, a handful of paparazzi camped out in the lobby. An excellent use of distraction in order to get close to her target.

She pushed her sunglasses up, unfolding the folder and scanning the information. The waitress wouldn't be back for a few more minutes, the line at the register nearly wrapping around to the bathroom. The Uruguay ambassador--an annoying little man who was swindling money from his own government and giving it to various organizations. Dangerous ones that were backing Graydon's little club.

"You should not be engaging in this, schatzen." Irene's voice engulfed her, sending chills down Raven's spine.

She looked up, mouth tightening. Annoyed that she'd expected her dead lover to be present. Resuming her reading, she growled at the ghost of a touch on her neck. Irene's favorite place. Slamming the folder close, she tucked back into her bag and rose, throwing down enough bills to pay her tab. Quickly joining the cattle run outside. Irene's laughter echoed in her ears, lilac scent filling her nose and Mystique shook her head, shifting as she moved, blending easily into the crowd. Pushing her way towards the hotel. Silencing the dead.

Spinning the card key in her hand she made her way to the elevator, water dripping onto the pristine floor. Ignoring the obvious annoyance of the hotel staff. Raven raised her head, exuding the arrogance of the wealthy. Swaying her hips extravagantly as she noted her target in the elevator, gaze drawing over her lithe form. His own personal police force flanking him. He stuck his hand out, catching the elevator door and she slid in, smiling. Playing the role of the thankful.

Always playing.

"You rarely played with me," Irene reminded her, and Mystique frowned. The elevator doors closed on Destiny standing in the hallway, looking no older than when the two had first met. Head tilting and that annoying smile tugging at her lips. And then she was gone, silver doors blocking her view--she was never truly there, Raven reminded herself. Staring at the reflection of the ambassador and his employ.

It was all too obvious what thoughts were swirling around in his head and Mystique smiled, hand jamming into the stop button while simultaneously knocking the gun out of the guard at her side.

The entire affair was over in a matter of seconds, all four men lying lifeless on the floor and nary a scratch on her body. She looked up at the camera and did a little wave, removing the card from her pocket and tossed it onto the ambassador's body. A departing gift for her son.

She exited quickly, climbing out of the top of the elevator and making it to the next floor without incident. She shifted more times than she could remember, leaving the hotel as the sirens could finally be heard in the distance.

The rain had stopped, the private eye out of his car and snapping away at something behind her. Raven passed by, hands stuffed in her pockets. Ignoring the happy, relieved expressions on passerbys as they put away umbrellas. An older couple passed by, speaking German.

Raven faltered. Swearing she could smell lilac in the air and watched them move into a bookstore. Heart clenching tightly.

Some scars were not visible.

rp, prompt, irene

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