Thoughts on the weekend

Feb 21, 2005 09:24

So I finally saw The Aviator last night, it was good, but damn was it long. Leo got to be butt nekked through most of it. And not in a sexy way.. in a demented, I'm obsessive compulsive and going insane so i like to be naked kinda way. All in all def worth seeing tho it was past my bedtime. I think matt liked seeing Kate Beckinsale all dolled up and groped. She's hot, I liked it too.

I haven't gotten any farther fiddling with my camera because I haven't had alot of time to play with it. BUT i love it anyways.

I also had a conversation with an unidentified male about his top three to do list before he dies, and I decided he will die sooner than later if these are all he has left to accomplish in life:

1.threesome with two girls (as opposed to guys, i don't know why there was a need for clarification on his part) a girl masturbate
3.anal with a chick (once again, the clarification worries me.)

So anyways, with the state of today's society I'm thinking he's dead by 21 at the latest. I asked him how he felt about this and he was ok with it. I then decided he probably told me to see if he could get with me... to which I told him I hate the female gender (there are exceptions, see above reference to Kate Beckinsale) and my butthole would like its virginity to remain intact and that if i'm gonna get myself off i wouldnt have a need for him anyways. I added that if he was going to die as soon as these things were accomplished anyways, that it would simply be a waste of my time to begin with. I think that sufficiently put out his fires of desire.. hopefully. most guys don't like intelligent females who can logically rebut an attempt to be hit on. aka sarcastic bitches.

I watched When Harry Met Sally again... . i have to stop doing that.

Europe or bust - 10 days.
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