Jan 30, 2007 20:48
Two years ago today I left for Scotland. That is crazy. Although those four months seemed like four years, I suppose it's a combination of the fact that the following 20 months seem a lot shorter than that and the fact that, despite everything else it was, studying abroad was a truly defining experience that makes it seem incredible that it's already been two years since I left. But it has. It's crazy to think how much my life has changed since then. I guess I haven't changed dramatically, but I do feel like somewhat of a different person. (Although I haven't exactly defined how I have changed. Changes in my life circumstances, however, are a little easier to spot.)
Mostly, I am at a decent and exciting point in my life. I will graduate in May, and as hard as my first year of teaching may be, it will be my first real career-type job, and that feeling of being an adult is exciting. And I am, of course, so glad to have Jeff, who is wonderful. I also found this card in my Bible last week that I filled out as a new little first-year at Agnes Scott. It had long term goals or something that I had at the time. I found that things pertaining to college (fitting in, doing well, finding a minor, etc.) had worked out so obviously that it was hard to believe I was ever so worried about them. And hopefully it will be the same now. Yes, it is hard to know for sure if I will be a good teacher or not or if I will enjoy it. But one day I'll look back on this and it will seem so obvious that it all worked out that I'll wonder why I ever had any doubts. Even if for some reason teaching doesn't work out, I need to remind myself that my life will work out. The big picture has worked out often enough that I really shouldn't be such a stressed out person. Looking at the other, longer term goals on my pink notecard, I realized that I now believe that even the things that haven't completely worked out yet will work themselves out eventually. So my new long term goal is to have more faith.
Well, this has been random and probably unnecessarily deep. I'm off to BSU now though.