Oh hey look, I'm not dead.

Aug 21, 2008 16:01

Hello to the few people who still have me on their friends list!  *waves*  Yes I'm finally back, because I realized I missed having a place to randomly dump about my life.  XD  Well okay, that's a tiny part of it, but I overall just decided to dust this journal off and start using it for something again.

As of right now I'm planning on moving all my artbook reviews over here so people might actually read them.  I'm also going to put up mini reviews of books I've read lately.  Maybe some random walling tips too, I donno though.

I think I've proven in the past though that I'm really REALLY bad at reading my friend's journals.  So if you still have me as a friend you can go ahead and remove me if you want.  I'm not even going to pretend that I'll keep up with your journal cause I know I won't (yeah I suck, I know).  If you don't mind friending just for the sake of being friends (rather then trying to recruit another person to read your journal) I'd be happy to friend you!

Humm time to make some new icons.  I think I'm going to uprage to the advertisment level so I can have more icons.  Cause I looove icons.  XD

It appears I also need a new mood set.  Headless kitties can only be cute for so long.  Anyone have any suggestions?

i'm back, intro

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