My Tweets

Jun 27, 2009 07:02

  • 09:48 @ AnnaDeStefano Thanks Anna - nice to meet you! Looking forward to talking shop (aka writing) #writegoal #
  • 09:49 @ candyo121 Thanks for keeping the twibe alive! I'm busy too. Trying to finish a piece so I can move onto something new. #darkauthors #
  • 09:50 #followfriday Let's try to get to 30 Twibe members. RT and invite your fave #darkauthors to become one of us! #writers #
  • 09:51 Looking for other twisted minds? Go to or re-tweet this link to join. #
  • 09:57 RT @MEStaton: Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Horror writers in/around London & need a writing/critique group check out: #
  • 10:06 Getting out my red pen today. A slash here, a jot there, and I'm done! What are you working on? #darkauthors via #
  • 10:11 @ AuthorElyseD Thanks for joining #darkauthors! Looking forward to chatting! #
  • 10:17 @ mrsellars Welcome to #darkauthors! You should submit your 'coffee psalms' to #
  • 10:19 RT @chartattack: Which band is better - Interpol or Joy Division? Vote at #
  • 13:40 We're sitting at 29. Come on - I know there's one more out there somewhere! #darkauthors #writers #writing via #
  • 13:46 Now that you're here,what are you writing?Twisted little tales?Palpitation-inducing prose?Chilling theatrical?#darkauthors via #
  • 13:48 @ george_writes Welcome! Oh, that we were all perpetually 29 #darkauthors via #
  • 15:01 @ dmarie84 Good luck with plotting out your novel! #writegoal #
  • 15:04 @ Zoe_E_W Wow - looks like I've got some catching up to do. Didn't realize you had so many stories on your site. Bookmarking! #darkauthors #
  • 16:32 Thanks for the RTs/pimping of #darkauthors @Zoe_E_W @catephoenix @DamonLord @MEStaton Nice not seeing only my mug in the group feed #
  • 21:20 @ louisebohmer Thanks for the #FF Proud to be in the company of such kick-ass lady-scribes. #
  • 21:23 @ bychwych Thanks for the #FF to you too, Miss! #
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