My Tweets

Jun 09, 2009 06:02

  • 09:08 @ bnapier No e-book work for me but check, check and check on the other 3. Hope you have a productive day! #
  • 09:08 RT @orneryboy_comic: New Orneryboy comic is up! #
  • 09:09 @ Sick_On_Sin They are! They reminded me of your Undead Friends pins! #
  • 09:14 RT @jchutchins: "Personal Effects 101" vid is up: . SEE the items that come w/the book, right on homepage! (RT plz?) #
  • 11:04 Typing up edits. First cup of coffee in a week. Zoooom! #
  • 12:21 Trimmed 1000 odd words so far. How's your day going? #
  • 13:56 Listening to 'minimalist / ambient' @imeem #musicmonday #
  • 13:58 @ cairnwood Cairnwood is made of neither cairn nor wood. Discuss... #
  • 14:05 @ catephoenix It's fun, isn't it? Who cares how long you spend on it! If you like it - go for it! #
  • 14:06 RT @jchutchins SEE the "out of book" artifacts that come with Personal Effects! Homepage vid, front and center: #
  • 14:13 @ Michael_Emery How about #
  • 16:10 Traffic accident NB DVP at Lawrence. No one's going anywhere! #torontotraffic #
  • 00:11 It's about to storm. Whoopee! #
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