
Sep 19, 2006 11:35

So...this would be my first post in any sort of journal, what so ever. I'm not sure how often it'll get updated, but I figured I'd throw a few things up there, and see what sticks.

My wife broke her wrist roller-skating a week and a half that's been a fun adjustment around the house. I admint, I had no idea just how much work it was that you girls went through to get ready in the morning. My level of respect has gone up even more after having to help her get dressed and such.

Grad school...ah yes, the bane of my existence at this point. Nothing like 45+ hour work weeks, coupled with 7 hours of class a week, and then you throw the various group projects and research papers on top of it, ugh. Makes you wonder why you do this. Oh, right, so I can get a thundering raise when I'm done, and actually be able to afford to do the things we want, like travel overseas.
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