My take on...
BSG 3x02: Taking A Break...
- Strange lullaby song at beginning, but I lied it.
- Six in Gaius' head...haven't seen that in a while, sweet.
- Gaius downloading into the bubble bath had me convinced he was a cylon. I was like "I knew it!", and then was like "now this is a twist", but they had you sucked in when they made him bleed. Good trick, Eick!
- I loved the quote "To marriage, it's why we build bars", I never expected that.
- Roslyn vs. Gaius -- I've never seen Roslyn so verbally angry as that...she really game out of her shell, like whoah!
- The tension between Dee/Lee kinda got me sad. I've always rooted for Kara/Lee, but now I dunno...that scene twisted me somehow.
- I just it just me, or does practically everyone that is married aboard the Galactica have marriage problems? Name one married couple about that has a perfect marriage, hehe.
- Bonus scene: How did they get Six? Has she been aboard all along and I missed it?
- What's with it being gone for 2 weeks? ugh.
SciFi is really emerging -- I'm getting into the new stuff they're coming out with such as Jake 2.0, and I'm excited to see the new Enterprise...hopefully soon the new season of Doctor Who *crosses fingers*
Anyhoo, enough with the tv-douchebagism for now.
School is going good with the two classes I'm taking--very relaxed (no pressure of graduation), but yeah, I'm enjoying it.
Swing dancing last night was teh bomb!