It's cold outside, but the warmth is in your heart

Dec 20, 2005 13:01

So yeah... it's so awesome to sleep in. I almost forgot what it was like, hehe.

Grades are finally in... after the server crashed a few times, here they are...

EET303 (LANS & PC Comm.): B
JOU325 (Photojournalism): C
NAT101 (Natural Science): D
PHE230 (Ballroom): A (duh?)
TEC309 (Integrated Marketing Comm.): B

I am actually quite proud of the grades... this was a hard semester. I was really scared that I would be getting an F in NAT101, but I'll settle with a D in that class anyday.

With that in mind, the semester is now over... *phew*

Right now I'm just sitting here volunteering in the computer lab, enjoying my time off *puts feet up on desk*



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