Asylum 2009. Day 3. Sunday

Jul 15, 2009 11:46

Funny thing about conventions - everything there is about queuing :)) Gotta queue even to get some breakfast lol

But nothing would compare to a long and terrible queuing for the autographs afterwards. Two hours before the session was supposed to start the queue already way 3 corridors long O.o And then they told us that only reg.numbers 1-450 or 500 could stay and wait, and other should leave and come back later :( My number was 806 and it just wasn’t fair. I didn’t get into Saturday session and at this rate I had all chances to miss out autos at all :( Especially after all this waiting time and missed panels… so I just stayed there. Well, they allowed those who were in the very beginning of the queue stay regardless of the numbers.

Inside we had to wait a little for Jared to arrive first. LOL the guy was unbelievably funny. There were pictures of the guests behind each other tables. The first thing he did when he came into the autographs room - he came up to Misha’s table and “corrected it” - made it sort of pirate-like. He drew a black patch and mustache and a scar or something like this :)))

I got extra auto from Jared :D Had to have my picture signed <33 And it was so really great! ‘Course I wish personalizations were allowed… But, well…

Misha’s, Sam’s, Amy’s and Matt’s autos followed.
The day before Beth and Clare told me that they spoke to Misha about me *I still have to find out how it happened lol* and that I had to tell him that I was that girl who came from Kazakhstan that they mentioned when it was my turn. So, I come and tell him: “Hey, Misha! My friends told me to tell you that I came from Kazakhstan.” A pause. “Okay.” He took my print to sign. “I have no idea what to do about it but okay.” LOL I told him that I was Russian then and that my dad’s name was Misha as well. Dunno why I said that but he smiled :) And then he asked if I was the only Russian girl there. Actually, I had no idea but I said that probably yes. I was most likely the only one :))

Samantha said she loved my hair *it was so very nice of her <33* and I told her that I would see her later again as I had a ticket for her coffee lounge. Then I told her I loved her new haircut as well. It was a bit unexpected to see her with short hair and truthfully, I liked her a lot when she had long hair but she looked pretty awesome anyway and I couldn’t not to mention it :))

After the autos I was lucky enough to catch a bit of Jensen’s and Jason’s panel <33 unfortunately, I don’t remember most part of it, and missed a great deal of it as well, and I wasn’t taking notes either as I was queuing to ask a question. I tried to write but it was soooo uncomfortable when standing. *sighs* But was lovely and so funny! At least I remember laughing a lot :)) So, that’s what I actually remember:

1. What would Jensen love to take from the set when the show is over? He said - Sam lol

When Jared was asked the same question the day before during his panel, he said that he had already had one thing. He said that after soothing the end scene of season one where all three of them - Sam, Dean and John - were hit by the truck he opened his eyes, saw this horn in the Impala right before his eyes and though “Hey, it’s season finale, and maybe there will be no season two, so it’s the end…” and he just grabbed this horn :D He liked it so much.

2. Everyone knew about Jared’s dogs, so the question about whether Jensen had a pet followed. He said that yes, his girlfriend Danneel had a dog (at the mention of her name the whole audience shouted in encouragement, and Jensen said “Right? I love her.” It was soooooo sweeeeet! <333). They got it a couple of years ago and when she had just told him about wanting to have a puppy Jensen hoped it would be a big manly dog, so at first he was horrified that it turned out to be white ant tiny lol *spaniel-poodle something* Jensen had a photo on his mobile and he showed it to everyone. It was so funny :)) And I think it is really cute that he has a photo of his dog on the desktop of his mobile <33 The dog’s name is Icarus which also set us all laughing :)))

Jason also added that Icarus, despite its size, could jump up to 1 m high and that he loved Jensen so much that every time Jensen’s getting home, the dog just bounces in one place like a tennis ball :D And that he’s best friends are Jared’s dogs :))

3. Someone asked if Jason and Jensen were going to sing together again like they did once in the past. Jason said - absolutely. Jensen - absolutely no! lol

4. Jensen thinks that in the battle between his characters (Jason from Smallville, Alec from Dark Angel and Dean from Supernatural) Alec would win. Jason is out anyway lol and Dean plays fair whereas Alec fights dirty.

5. Jensen was called “The chest of the week” by HIT magazine, and the girl asked him how he liked it. He said that he didn’t know what this HIT magazine was and asked if it was something like People were tabloids and stuff. The answer was yes, and then he called it a crap :)) Yet, he asked the girl to give him the magazine as he wanted to take a look at the picture and then told that he actually hated this particular one. “Thanks for reminding” :D

6. My question was: would the Winchesters’ life be different if they knew from the start that Mary and all her family were the hunters? Jensen said that no, it wouldn’t. Sooner or later they’d pick up the family business. Then I asked if that mean that he thought Sam wouldn’t leave for college. And he said - “No, he would go anyway because he’s a dork” lol

And my question was the last one, just like during Richard’s panel. *There were lots of really interesting questions actually, but since I was in the queue, I couldn’t take notes*Jensen did absolutely awesome “I am Bond, Jensen Bond” dance :D and then he was gone. Jesus, I love this man :) In the best way possible.

I went out then, to get something to drink as far as I remember, and when I came back it was Malik’s and Gabe’s panel. They were both so funny! Strange how many surprises were waiting for me during the con. I mean of course I didn’t expect everyone to be like their characters on the show, it’s impossible, but still. Both Malik and Gabe were hilarious. And besides their obvious awesomeness, Malik also showed a very cool break-dance on stage O.o Impressive! Man, he was great!

I joined the questions queue again. And I asked them both if they had any fears or phobias. Was there anything that they were really scared of. Gabe said that he was scared of sharks and roaches. Well, it was more like he was scared of sharks and repulsed by roaches. He said he preferred to be out of the room and let someone else deal with them. The problem was that when man was getting married, he was also supposed to be brave enough to deal with creepy creatures :S *Yep, that’s true* As for the sharks, he really didn’t like them but as a tease he had 5 encounters, every time he was on vacation near he ocean somewhere lol

Gabe was also talking a lot about his movie “Skills like this” that was about to be released, and then operators had some fun displaying this name on the screen as “Skillz like dis?” Then they changed Z in Skillz for S, then dis for this and then question mark for exclamation lol All this time Gabe was like - “Aw, no, it’s not like this” :D And in the end he told that everyone should watch it.

I was really happy I got a ticket for at least one coffee lounge. Well, I got 5 raffle tickets for Jensen, 5 for Jared and 5 for Misha but I won none :(( This time ;) So anyway, Samantha’s and Amy’s coffee lounge. At first they wanted to merge two coffee lounges in one and make a Sam/Amy/Matt coffee lounge but too many people came so they changed it back to the original two events. But still, while waiting for people to arrive and get seated, Matt was like - “Okay, let’s get started.” Then he looked at me and said - “Random question. How many dogs do you have?” And I was like - “Dogs? I don’t have dogs?” Matt blinked - “Really? How can it be hat you have no dogs?” Me - “I have cats.” Matt - “Kids?” Me - “No, cats.” Matt - “Oh, cats. Well, cats, dogs, kids…” lol
Then Sam asked who traveled farthest to get to the con. Jo, who was with me during this coffee lounge said that it probably was me, although the guys beat me a little. The trip from LA was longer than mine.

Sam and Amy were really nice. We talked a bit about Sam’s episodes and if she knew the general idea of the show and if she could suppose that it would become so popular in the end. Of course she had no idea but she like the script for the pilot so she went for it although she was taken aback when they told her whose mom she was going to be and she was like - “How old do you think I am?” XD They told her then that in pilot Dean and Sam would be kids. And actually, she became the fan of the show and she’s watching it and everything. Someone asked how it felt for her to play a Mom because when the episode was filmed she didn’t have a baby yet. She said that she had this maternal protection instinct because she had a small dog that always needed to be cared about so she knew what it was like to be responsible for someone. “I love my son, yes, but God, I love my dog” :)))

We asked Amy then what it felt like to play a character that had already been performed by someone else before her and she said that she watched those bits that Samantha was in. but she liked it that the producers told her that the episode was very different from those that showed Mary before and that Amy didn’t have to be absolutely the same Mary as Sam was. They were showing different side of Mary in “In the beginning” anyway.

Then we talked a little about Transformers, both parts that Sam was in and she said how much she liked working on this movie. It was a very different experience and that she enjoyed it. It was very different from Supernatural of course, both in genre and in technical performance.

In the end I dared to ask a question as well. I asked both Sam and Amy what they would be doing if they weren’t acting. Sam said that she had lots of interests and that she’d love to be a photographer or a vet or maybe even archeologist, and some others that I couldn’t remember. *Yeah, crappy memory* As for Amy, for a very long time she wanted to be a doctor and work in baby delivery but right there and then she couldn’t imagine herself doing anything else but acting.

There was a boy in our group who was a fan of Transformers and he gave Sam a trading card *or something like that* Sam thanked him and hugged him. It was so sweet :))

The whole conversation was very nice and relaxed and I felt completely at ease around both Samantha and Amy. Hope that both of them felt the same and enjoyed the whole thing the way we did. I only wish that coffee lounge lasted longer :)) But it was nice all the same and definitely unforgettable. *No, no photos allowed, sorry*

After the coffee lounge I went to queue for my most precious Jensen’s autograph, the last one that was missing. And this queue, I can say for sure, was the longest I’ve been in, aside the registration one perhaps. It lasted forever, first in the corridor, then in the autographs room…

But enough of whining, right? I got the whole three minutes of standing in a place where I could watch the hottest man on Earth without any other visual interferences as he was sitting at the signing desk only some 2 m away from me <333 He was so unbelievably cute! And come on, someone should make looking so hot illegal lol I couldn’t believe my eyes and I couldn’t believe that I was actually seeing real Jensen Ackles in the flesh. Actually, up to some point I wasn’t sure he even was real because in my opinion, no normal human being could be so sexy and nice and down-to-earth and just great.

When it was my turn, he took a shot pause to have a drink of water before getting back to signing. He asked me for an excuse *Sure, anything for you, really. You can drink whatever you want and for however long you want as long as I am allowed to stand near <333* When he was done and took my print, I asked how he was doing. He said - tired, but I could see it anyway, the man looked completely drained :-/ Some people were having more than one autograph so I can’t even hazard to suppose how many thing he had already signed and how many were waiting to be signed. He was wearing some bracelets and I complimented on them as I really loved them.

That’s what I have now:

Thankfully, I was out soon enough to catch some bits of Misha’s panel. He was hilarious as always! I got right in time, they only began I believe, when Jared suddenly came on stage. He apologized for now being able to come to a closing ceremony later and thanked us all for being there and wished us good luck and such things.

And was gone… only o come back a couple minutes later with white wings that I believe one of the fans gave to Misha *missed the moment, so no exact info on where they came from* Misha didn’t notice it of course as he was facing the audience, and Jared came to him from behind and put the wings to Misha’s back XD making him look like an angel.

Everyone laughed although it was a bit out of place so Misha got that something was wrong and turned to check. XD And then Jared was gone again, forever this time.

And again, I was in the queue to ask my question.

But I still got good parts of it, I guess.

1. It was a girl’s birthday and she asked what Misha’s best birthday was. He told us a could of stories about how he ended up in a hospital on his birthdays. Once he was in coma even so it was pretty memorable. At least some parts of it :D The other time he was riding a bike and fell into poisoning ivy, which also was entertaining. All in all, he was injured a lot on Birthdays :)) Not that I found this fact funny but the way he was talking about it was just hilarious.

2. How he felt about playing an angel. “Well, aide from the part where there’s no such thing as angels…” His words, not mine lol He loved having wings, smoking cigars and reading bible. And hey, according to bible, angels were not small cute kids with wings. They were hardcore badass warriors. *again, not my words :D*

3. He was asked to name three people he’d love to have dinner with, and at least one of them should be a woman. So, after some debating he stuck with Eleanor Roosevelt, Barbara Bush and Hitler lol

4. If Castiel was real and if he could ask him one question, what would he ask? - What Cas’ favorite color was :D

Dear God, he was amazing. He couldn’t say even one single serious thing and I so loved him for this. Well, not to fooling around but for the way he was doing it. This guy is a gem and I have no idea why exactly they chose him to play Castiel but I am definitely happy that they did. And I deffo liked the whole asking questions thing. I felt a bit awkward every time I had camera on me, and I tended to forget my questions when I was standing at the microphone, not to mention my overall embarrassment with my accent but it could have been a once in a life-time thing, so… I couldn’t care less lol

I asked Misha was there anything he couldn’t live without and I mean maybe a thing or a hobby or something like that. ‘Course it would be a miracle if Misha took it seriously :D well, first of all I was pleased that he recognized from the morning auto sessions. And he said, “Hey, I know you, you’re my red-haired friend from Kazakhstan.” lol and then he said, “well, I definitely couldn’t live without breathing and sleeping, and water, and food. And maybe sunsets.” XD And beaches and gardening XD

There should have been Jensen’s panel next but the number of people wishing to get an autograph from him was a bit more than he could handle over 3 hours so Misha continued for him. *Poor Jensen, I still can’t believe how he handled it all*

So, there was an auction and seriously, I don’t remember the last time I laughed that much. Misha was awesome making this funny voice. The part that I liked most - in Australia Jensen’s and Jared’s t-shirts were sold for about 10 000 AUD, together. And then he said - “That’s what, about 50 maple leaf money that you have here?” well, something like that XDD

I can’t even begin to say how sad it was to watch the closing ceremony. Despite everything, I liked the event so much that I couldn’t believe that it was over so soon. Only a weekend? Yeah, I know that all the guests have other things to do but I wish the cons lasted at least for a week. And I wanted to cry, too. Well, not like “cry my eyes out” but I had this bitter feeling that had nowhere to go. And I knew that I was endlessly grateful to everyone who made this dream come true and for a chance to be a past of Asylum con. It was something indescribable to be recognized by people who saw my picture somewhere online and talk to them like we knew each other for ages. It meant a lot. I really hope I’ll meet my old and new friends again.

I absolutely loved Jensen’s goodbye speech and the way he thanked us for coming. I know it was hard for him, for all of them perhaps. He looked tired and I bet he was, but I still hope that he enjoyed the event as well. Probably not like we did but I am grateful that he came. He is the best.

PS Who would have ever thought that the Impala had such a good taste? (Those who were there with me, will understand ;) Thanks, Clare, you did a fantastic job!)

jared padalecki, friends, jensen ackles, uk, asylum 2009

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