Aug 31, 2013 10:01
Bits and pieces:
~My BFF moved back to Seattle :S Me iz sad :( I did, however ran into him at the bus station on the way to Whistler coz he was in Van for one night because of some show or whatnot. Freaked my mom out (a lot) when I suddenly squealed and threw myself at him :) Sorry, mom!
~ Gotta start looking for a new apartment to move (hopefully) in October. Can we please skip the whole looking-packing-moving part and go right to settling in the new place?
~ Crush is still here but he moves to Toronto in a couple of weeks. I was thinking about talking to him but chances are, I’ll chicken out and just hole up until it’s too late. Again, nothing new.
~ They don’t have Yves Saint Laurent’s “Baby Doll” in Canada O.o How am I supposed to live without my fave perfume??? Same goes for Shediran’s liqueur but I kinda got used to it already. But “Baby Doll”!!! Gah!
~ When I was in Victoria, a friend texted me with the news about our mutual friend who, apparently, was at the hospital after the suicide attempt :/// And I don’t even have direct contact with her coz she’s in Europe :( WTH?? This is just too big and too horrible to process :( Gonna try to find out more as soon as I can :( Impossible to wrap my mind around it.
~ Saw Wolverine with Julia. Yes, I’m a fan of the X-men series, in general. They don’t have much plot but they do normally have hot shirtless guys and some cool action scenes, so that’s ok. Not sure what I expected from this one but it wasn’t “Transformers-meet-Anime” o.O Not saying it was a bad thing or anything, just not what I expected AT ALL. It feel like it was sort of X-men’s response to Fast-and-Furious’s “Tokio Drift” coz apparently Japanese stuff is popular these days?
~ Do I or do I not turn this blog into a music blog? Probably not completely, but I should a least start reviewing the bands I go to see :)
~ Job hunt? Not my fave thing but gotta start thinking about it:/ ~le sigh