Feb 27, 2012 10:21
~My twitter timeline and tumblr dashboard are full of Oscars… can we have our normal life back now?
~As I mentioned on twitter on Saturday, another family night like that, and I am putting myself up for adoption. I need someone to cross me out of that family tree asap. Yep, I am talking about my grandma’s b-day, which was as horrible as I knew it would be.
When I was a kid/a teenager, I used to have two birthday parties (up until I stopped having them completely) - one for my family and another one for my friends. It made a lot of sense back then because having them together was nightmare. My friends would sit silent because they would be too shy to so much as open their mouths around my grandma and aunts and uncles, and said grandma and aunts and uncles would ask stupid questions making the whole process rather painful. So, it was decided to have a family day on the actual b-day, and a party for the friends - on the next day.
So, what was I talking about?
Ah, Grandma’s b-day… event. It would make so much sense to separate us. Not intentionally maybe but at least offer some options because I stayed at her place for about 3 hours, and all this time I had mental images of extremely violent actions against her friends. Can you imagine a bunch of 75+ olds reminiscing about their youth and making everyone younger than 50 very uncomfortable? It was unbearable. “Wanna have some wine?... What do you mean you don’t drink?” “Why don’t you eat meat (fish, eggs, etc.)?” “Are you on a diet?” Damn it, I don’t eat a lot of stuff because I HATE IT, ok? “Ah, I remember in 69-“ and then we enjoy a long story about something that happened 20 years before I was born. And they all drink. And then they started signing.
I sneaked out with my uncle (who dropped me off at home because it was too cold to walk) and thanked god for only having to endure it once a year. My cousin and his wife were smarter and dropped by the day before thus saving themselves. Lucky bastards.
If I die and go to hell (because I am not good enough for heaven for sure), I’d probably end up being stuck with my elder relatives and their friends for eternity.
~Ahem… thank god it’s done and over with.
~On Friday, my mom went with me to my yoga studio. She attended a different class because mine is kind of advanced and she wouldn’t handle it, and she actually enjoyed hers. We’ll give it a try and see in a few weeks if she feels better. She’s sitting a lot so her back and neck and shoulders need some gently work out. She was torn between a massage (because we have massage there as well) and actual classes and chose classes for a time being. Now we’re both yoga-freaks :)
~“The Name Of The Star” by Maureen Johnson was absolutely and utterly horrible. There are very few books I find bad enough to want to quit them, and this one was one of them. It was the first in a series that I am absolutely not going to continue. It’s too much of a torture.
~“The Help” by Kathryn Stocket, on the other hand, totally fascinated me. I love it so much I have no words to express it. This books follows two years of life of a small town Jackson in Mississippi in the 60s when the difference between black people and white people was so huge their lives barely crossed, save for the fact that every decent white family had black maids. They lived in different parts of town, had their own schools, shops, libraries, etc. and were as unequal as it was possible.
“The Help” is narrated by three characters - two black maids and a white woman - who decided at some point to make a difference. It wasn’t easy, and there were consequences all of them had to go through, but they were determined, and their actions changed the course of life of this small town.
I absolutely recommend this book to everyone. It’s nice and funny and sad and heartbreaking, and it teaches a few very valuable lessons about how to be a human regardless of your skin color. There were moments when I actually cried and moments when I wanted to tear some characters out of that book and slap them, but never ever was I indifferent.
There is a movie based on that book, and I can’t wait to watch it now. I was writing till I finish the book, so… it’s time :) And I mean it - if you hadn’t read it yet, you should go and do it now. It leaves something in your soul. It makes you want to become a better person.
~I got myself “Skins: The Novel”. It’s a book based on the TV series “Skins” that I totally adore, and about my fave second generation, too. The feedback on it is rather mild, if negative, but I am still curious to see if the book covers some gaps there are always left when you watch a TV show.
~Three more days without my boss. Trying to enjoy them as much as I only can. Namely, I wear jeans all the time instead of a suit and drink a lot of coffee barely bothering to check my tasks :))) Yeah, it’s gonna bite me in the ass soon but what the hell?
the help,