(no subject)

Feb 20, 2012 15:08

~I am getting utterly lazy these days. The weekend was… lazy, as you might have guessed.

~I have watched “Pay It Forward” on Saturday evening. It’s quite an old movie that I somehow neglected to see, which is a shame. The movie is very sad though. I am normally a very non-crying person when it comes to fiction because I know it’s not real. But this time I bawled my eyes out because it was quite amazing and heartbreaking. So, the plot is - 11yr old boy gets an assignment at school to find a way how to make the world a better place. And he comes up with this idea that every person should do something good to three people, and those three people will then make something good to other three people each, and thus everyone will be making good stuff to everyone.
If didn’t go all smooth and perfect but eventually, the idea got picked up… and now please go and watch it because I don’t want to ruin it for you.

~I finished reading “Daughter Of Smoke And Bone” by Laini Taylor. Dubious feelings here. the books without a doubt was very good. I loved how fast-paced it was and how the characters were written and stuff. This was the first book in a series (the next one will be released sometime this year) so I am definitely going to get it and see where the story will go.
My problem with this particular part was that the last 1/3 of the book was too cheesy for my taste. It started out wonderfully, with a lot of action and descriptions of Prague. And OMG I LOVE Prague so much!! But then… as much as I love some whiff of romance in the books, the parts about Karou’s and Akiva’s feelings for each other were just yuck. The way they needed to kiss and touch and hold each other, and how their souls were signing to each other… it was so boring and annoying :( So, this is the only disappointment so far. I hope the following parts will be better in this department :)

~And I started “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. Hadn’t gone far in it though, only a few pages but I love it already, and I hope it’ll remains as awesome as the first 10 pages :) Heard a lot about this book (and yeah, there’s a movie, too), so I am looking forward to reading it :)

~Also, I am currently reading “Anna Dressed In Blood” by Kendare Blake, and it’s quite impressive as well. And creepy. And a bit YA but it’s bearable. I didn’t know it when I first started reading it, but this book is also the first in a series, so if I like it, there’ll be something to look forward to :)

~On Friday it’ll be my grandma’s b-day, which means we’re going to visit her on Saturday (meaning - the whole family), and the very idea of it makes me want to go and jump off of the skyscraper :(((( I HATE family events with passion. They are boring, to begin with. They are an utter waste of time. All those people I don’t care about and who don’t care about me ask a million of stupid questions which no one cares about (How’s your job? Are you going to get married? You mom sure wants some grandkids. Why are you not eating meat again? Aw, come on, it’s only one time, the cows will never know!), and you have to wear a smile and be polite because smacking someone with a shovel is not socially acceptable. But it’s the waste of time that kills me the most. My grandma is retired, so she has tons of free time on her hands. For me, weekends are precious moments and spending a few hours with the family I don’t give a shit about is just unbearable. So… does anyone know a way to get crossed out a family tree?

~TVD was kind of ok last week. Not perfect but better than the ball episode. I am getting quite invested in Caroline/Klaus thing because they have one hell of chemistry. It sucks though that the Originals have left because they were quite a highlight of the show. I hope Elijah would come back because we sure hadn’t seen enough of them.

Elena is annoying, really. Where is the awesome girl from Season 1? She’s such a disappointment. Also, I hope Bonnie will finally lash out on her. I am not a fan of Bonnie or anything but I feel bad for her because she keeps having her life screwed because of Elena. Her grams died because of that spell to get Damon and Stefan out of that cave, now her mother is turned into a vampire. And Jeremy had left the town, and somehow Bonnie ends up being hurt. Again, I am not invested into her character too much but if I were her, I’d tell Elena to go sort out her problems on her own.

And seriously, can they please stop killing Alaric every moment? It’s not fun, and it boring. And he is in the description of the following episodes, which means Meredith didn’t kill him and he’ll be fine in the end. Maybe I’m the only one who feels that way but I’d like him to have an actual storyline because now he basically does nothing but die every single episode.

~My boss is on vacation for 10 days, so I can finally catch a breath. I have some stuff to do, of course. He never leaves without loading me with tasks, but it’s going to be calm, hopefully.

~Being an avid writer, makes me hate some writers who don’t finish their stories, abandoning them instead. And I had a strong policy about it myself. At least related to fanfics. But after my update of the story I had been working on for the past 8 months didn’t get a single review, I decided to quit. Not the story, just the updates.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that no one owes me anything, and I am not going to ask for feedback if people don’t feel like it. And specifically, I know that writing about Jenna and Alaric, especially now that Jenna is dead, is not going to be the most popular thing. But not getting ANY feedback is just too discouraging. It makes me feel like the worst writer ever. I know I am far from perfect but I somehow thought that there were people out there still interested in that storyline.
So, I made an official announcement so that people wouldn’t be waiting for new updates. And it got me outrages responses about how should keep on writing and how awesome I am and stuff. I’m feeling quite perplexed now. I am not the great reviewer ever but I know how much it means for the writer to know that his work is appreciated.
I don’t know what t do now. I am absolutely going to continue writing because I have some idea and I really want to see how they are going to work out. Maybe I will update some chapters in the end. But now I really need a break without that pressure of thinking if I am good or anything. Even if I’m not, I write because I can’t not write. Decisions, decisions…

books, family, weekend, daughter of smoke and bone, work, writing, the help, movie

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