So, Happy New Year? :)
I hope all of you had a fantastic time these past few weeks with Christmas and New Year and overall season of joy and happiness :)
In my first post of 2012 I would like to sum up my 2011. It wasn’t a perfect year, it had its ups and downs, but it definitely was a good one and I am grateful for absolutely everything that happened to me in the past 12 months. Well, for the good stuff mostly, but I guess for some negative things as well seeing as how they were the life lessons I hopefully learned from.
So, in 2011:
* I read 42 books. It could have been 44 but I failed to finish 2 books in the last day of 2011, so they’ll go to the 2012 list :) I will try to make a list or smth, but it’s really a lot :P
* I visited my friends in Belgium, UK, Germany and The Netherlands, and had the best time with them. Most of them I only knew online, so meeting up with them was a huge thing and I enjoyed it immensely.
* In Belgium, I’d been to North Sea. Also, for the first time ever :)
* Since my trip to Germany was my very first trip to Germany ever, I would like to specifically thank Alexandra for letting me stay with her and showing me around [and for being patient and not killing me when I was in a full blown fangirl mode during the convention… oh, hell, during my entire stay, 24/7], and Iris for being as crazy fangirl as I was :)
* I’ve been to two TVD conventions: Insurgence 3 in Birmingham, UK, and Ring*Con in Bonn, Germany. Both events were a total blast, and they were, without a doubt, the brightest highlights - both in regards of meeting celebs and hanging out with awesome people.
* During these two conventions I had a please to meet Lauren Cohan and Sara Canning, my two biggest girl crushes and celeb female icons, and also wonderful guys: Paul Wesley, Zach Roerig, David Anders (twice!!), and Michael Trevino. To no mention a bunch of Twilight, LORT, True Blood folk at Ring*Con
* On my birthday I got lost, which was kind of fun :)
* Also, I got lost when I travelled from Essen, Germany, to Rotterdam, Netherlands, and it is the only time I remember when I was crying like a baby for, like, an hour at the train station somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Not exactly the most joyful memory but it is etched in my mind forever.
* I lost between 10 and 12 kg of weight and hopefully will stay on the track and improve the result even more. Hey, maybe I will even be able to wear shorts and bathing suit next summer? No, I’m not that optimistic but a girl can hope :)
* I got back to yoga after a few long months of doing nothing (yay me :)) I got my job contract renewed, which is a relief because it was a matter of a huge concern for me for a few months.
* I finished the longest fanfic I’ve ever written in my life, which I also consider a huge accomplishment.
* It was a movie-less year I can recall. I’ve only been to a movie theatre once - with my friend Melanie, we went to see X-Men: First Class when I was in Brussels. I’ve watched some stuff at home of course but I used to go to the movies all the time, so this is a bit unusual.
* I applied for a school. It doesn’t mean anything until they actually accept me, of course. But it’s a small step towards changing my life and breaking out of this routine that had been making me sick lately.
* I probably spent about 3 times more money on books than on clothes
* One of my cousins gave birth to a baby (a boy named Maximilian) and another cousin’s wife is now expecting. So, the family is growing by the looks of it :)
* I found out that I have a brother and a sister. My father’s kids from another marriage. We’re not in touch, so it’s probably not a big deal, but still, kind of big news.
* I started and dropped and fell in love with some TV shows even though a few years ago I promised myself I’d cut down on the TV. Well, what the hell? I’m bad with resolutions.
* I finally got hold of the “Black Field” DVD - the movie that is officially on the list of my Top 5 Favorite Movies of all time.
* My friend of almost 16 years moved away forever :((
Yeah, the year wasn’t that eventful by the looks of it, but I can’t complain, it was a nice one :)) And I have high expectations for 2012, and I am ready and willing to work for them to come true :) Okay, I doubt that spending 4 days off in PJs sitting before my computer could be qualified as a productive star lol But it’s only a start!
So, in 2012 so far I:
* Ate, a lot
* Finished my first book of 2012. “Is everyone hanging out without me?” by Mindy Kaling. I LOVED it beyond imaginable and highly recommend it to absolutely everyone. It was witty, easy and overall enjoyable.
* Started a new TVD video that I am not sure I will finish because Sony Vegas in a pain in the ass
* Slept… not as much as I’d love to but for some reason, sleeping on days off feels like a waste of time :S
* Almost finished “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer
* Made a meringue cake
* Watched stupid movies
* Drank gallons of Caramel Frappucino [not even kidding here]
* Caught up with “Rizzoli and Isles”
* Was lazy