grow up

May 08, 2007 18:58

i am making it. got rid of all the waste in my life, including the people who don't care.

and you know what? thank you.

thank you all for treating me like shit and putting me through the worst time of my life, because now i know what to look for.

now i know what trash looks like and i can avoid it.

i had a hard-as-hell awakening, but i'm sure glad i did.

i've had false friends and fiances, hypocritical bosses, and lying lovers. i've had thieving, slimy coworkers and "friends" who've only kept me around to take advantage of me and i've had a hell of a lot of hard choices to make when i've been put in situations with no exits. i've carved my escape route with my bare, bloody hands because i have been left with nothing.

i came home to find that everyone had turned his or her back because they all would rather believe a lying whore over me. thanks for the confidence guys. keep smoking your pot and doing your ecstasy, if that's what it takes to forget reality and keep your personal demons at bay.

myself? i prefer doing battle with those demons, rectifying things in my life that may need such doing.

it's time to grow up, little boys and girls. the world is waiting.
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