Title: The One with the Proposal
Myrna1_2_3Fandom: As the World Turns
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: R
Summary: This is the one with the proposal
Disclaimer: Not-not-mine
Author's Notes: When there are kids in a soap opera they can be any age regardless of when they were born, right?
The One with the Proposal )
*cracks up*
“You are so full of shit,” Luke said with a laugh. “You think any time someone is, like, pleasant, that they’re flirting.”
“No,” Reid said. “But I’m pretty sure when they’re fondling your ass they’re at least moderately interested.”
“She was just trying to help--one of the kids wiped icing on…”
“Your knee.”
Reid took one cupcake out of the box and closed the lid, motioning toward Luke. “I thought you were in charge of the calendar, holiday gift buying and thank you notes, and I’m in charge of cars, menus, and recognizing when people are trying to pick up my boyfriend.”
Luke lifted a dubious brow. “I don’t believe I was in attendance at that staff meeting.”
Reid nodded. “Yeah, sometimes I pass the motions without a vote.”
Luke sighed. “I’m just going to go ahead and agree with you here, because whenever we discuss something as innocuous and almost entirely unsexual as a woman flirting, it inevitably segues into a discussion of your extensive sexual history and how grateful I should be that you selflessly fucked your way through countless hot gay losers so I wouldn’t have to.”
Reid grinned. “And again, for the second time tonight, you’re welcome.”
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