I found this article very interesting; it raises issues I'd never even thought of before. I'm not sure if I agree with what it's saying, though; give me feedback.
http://www.reason.com/0304/co.cy.aborting.shtml Oh, it's about male reproductive choice and abortion.
Ideally, yes, this would all be worked out beforehand. But consider:
- If there's any dispute, the woman will very likely get custody of the child.
- If there's any dispute, the woman will have the final decision over whether or not to keep the child.
- If there's any dispute, the woman will have the ability to force the father to pay (financially) if she decides to have the child.
- There is some risk to the mother whether she decides to have an abortion or not.
The pregnancy could be totally unintentional, with nothing the couple could've done to prevent it. It could easily be a one-night stand sort of situation.
Now, there is the "Well, they should've considered the possibilities!" response. But if you're then going to advocate the woman being able to free herself of 99% of the results of that, how can you also insist that the man be punished for a decision which he has virtually no say in?
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