Dai stiho, cousins.
I'm posting off-topic today to remind everyone to
vote in the LJ elections. Please vote, kids! Those of you who have not been following the ongoing LJ drama might not know that LJ has decided to implement an advisory board. While the board may or may not have any genuine influence over goings-on at LJ, I nevertheless think it's important and those of us who are not using Cyrillic language services at LJ get to vote for only ONE representative. You're part of this community because you're a member of fandom. Well, for the past year LJ has been doing what it can to eliminate, ignore, and downright piss off the fannish voice, for whatever reason. (Note: I am not a tinhat, I don't think this is a fandom-hating conspiracy; but I also think fandom is big and deserves a voice.) Therefore, PLEASE consider voting for a fannish candidate.
fandom_votes has some resources on which candidates are fannish and which are not, and identifies a specific voting pattern which (in the opinion of the mods) is the most likely to get a member of fandom on the board. (
this post identifies the top three candidates and has their platforms.) You should all MAKE UP YOUR OWN MINDS, but it's still a useful resource, especially if you're not familiar with instant runoff voting, and I reccommend a readthrough. You have until Thursday to vote: PLEASE vote. I think we should vote to get fandom a voice: you may have concerns of your own. These concerns will be IRRELEVANT unless you vote! So do so. And, hey, unlike those big elections that are coming up (in my country too) this year, you can vote in this one even if you're not 18!
A final word: One of the leading candidates is
jameth, who has spent much of his time slagging off fandom and fannish candidates (there's a post with links to him doing this,
here.) Dude is repellent. Think twice before voting for him? Please?
x-posted to
myriadwords and my journal: sorry if you get this multiple times.