
Jun 09, 2012 13:50

My poor husband has been listening to me whine about wanting a cat for almost three years now. Seriously, I'm annoying. We agreed it would not be a good idea to get another cat after my sweet kitty died, because 1) we were too busy to break in a new pet 2) kitties are not good for babies. But I have never in my life been this long without a cat. My problems are tragic, I know. But seriously, I would cry when I saw a cat picture on the internet. Maybe I'm imbalanced, maybe I'm a wacko, but I need kittiessss! We talked about having a stray to feed and pet, and I said that would be nice because we have a little covered patio with a pet door and everything, so s/he would be safe from the rain and vermin. But no strays would ever let me near them. Sad face.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband noticed a grey cat in our yard and tried to point him out to me. I missed him, but he came back the next week. I saw him that time, but he ran away. He came back again (my heart did a happy dance), and I saw him through the window and tapped on it. He meowed at me through the window and I went to the front door to see if he would let me pet him. He did! My sweet husband got me a saucer of milk for him, which he lapped up hungrily like he'd never eaten before in his life. He was pretty scrawny, but adorable and SUPER loveable. Once he let me pet him, he was rolling on his back and rubbing on me like we were best friends. I went to the store and bought three little cans of food, hoping he would come back, and I could feed him each evening. He didn't come back. Sad face.

Two days ago, he came back. This was me: :D :D :D :D :D :D
I gave him one of the cans of food I had bought, and he ate it all up. When he was finished, he meowed at me wanting more, so I gave him another can and hoped it didn't make him sick. He didn't touch the water I gave him. Well, he stepped in it in eagerness to be pet, but otherwise didn't touch it. I realized this could be a problem if our neighbors saw me feeding this cat. (Brilliant idea: let's feed him on the back porch!) I took the second can away from him mid-bite, and sure enough he followed me to the back door. This cat is so sweet, he didn't growl or hiss, even when I pet him as he was eating, even when I took his food away from his face. He must have been someone's pet? He came back again that evening, so I led him to the back door and gave him the last can of food. Yesterday, while I was upstairs showering, my husband went to Best Buy to buy computer stuff. He came back with presents for the cat! We (sort of together) decided to name him Henry, by the way. He got a scratchy bed, a fresh water filter reservoir and catnip and chicken treats. Lucky cat! I was so impressed that my husband actually went INTO a pet store on his own to buy this cat presents. He doesn't even like cats. !!!! Henry came to the front door that morning, and I lured him again to the back with a chicken treat, where I showed him the scratchy bed. He immediately laid down in it and scratched. Smarty. :) I gave him another treat, and it was obvious he wanted more, but I was out of kitty food! My husband put catnip in the scratchy bed and Henry went crazy, of course. I got more enjoyment out of watching my husband's amazement with Henry's reaction than out of watching the cat himself. I gave Henry a few more treats and pet him, but had to leave him meowing at the door when it was time to leave for work. We came home last night, and he was nowhere to be seen. Sad face.

This morning, he was sound asleep in his new scratchy bed! Me again: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I pet him and loved on him and gave him more treats. Then I left to go to the grocery store to buy kitty food. He was (happily) on our front door a few moments after I got home, so I led him to the back and gave him some kitty food and hung out with him on my back patio with the laptop. He likes to be in my lap, but my lap isn't really big enough for a lanky boy cat. He compromises by sitting in the chair next to me. He is the gentlest cat. When I had him in my lap, he was kneading on my legs, but his claws never hurt. I touched his paw pads, and he curled his paw but didn't scratch or bite. He lets me touch his stomach. What cat likes their paw pads or stomach touched? He just loves to be pet! I'm completely in love. The best part? Now that school is out, I am going to have plenty of time to hang out with him while I'm working on my laptop. :)
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