Title: Title What Title? (just two drabble-y things)
Summary: A peek at their brains, I guess? It's like a minute or two in their heads.
Fandom: Hana Yori Dango, Bubblegum Crisis
Characters/Pairings: Nishikado Sojiro, Priss Asagiri. NO NOT TOGETHER.
Genre: I don't know. Um. Angst? :P
Rating: PG, reference to sex? IDK HOW DO YOU DO THIS
Warnings: Should be none.
Word Count: 248 + 366 words
+ a 270-word explanation of sorts
= 884 words
[3] ICONS (Hana Yori Dango: Nishikado Sojiro)
[3] ICONS (Bubblegum Crisis: Priss Asagiri)
[1] TUMBLR (Bubblegum Crisis: Priss Asagiri)
Everything here @
eveningskyTOTAL POINTS: 17 word-points + 6 icon-points + 4 tumblr-points = 27 points
(Let me know if anything is off? :s first time ever, both posting here and actually attempting fanfic-y things and making a tumblr-y image lol.)