myriadis is based on inspiration challenge communities such as
a_mused, and
smashingart BUT for both graphics and writing. Hurrah? Hurrah.
→ At the beginning of each round, there will be an inspiration challenge post. It will consist of images (from icons to pictures to tumblr graphics to textures), words (including phrases, quotes, genres, and poetry), music (youtube links + lyrics), and videos (e.g. random facts, arty things). There will also be a general overarching theme that will inform the inspirations and the entries.
→ Like a 20in20, you have 20 days to submit your entry. Unlike a 20in20, you don't need to make 20 separate pieces, but rather 20 points worth (at least) of graphics, writing, and/or mini-mixes.
points system
→ 1 point PER 50 words
→ 1 point PER icon
→ 2 points PER 1 set of 4 screencaps/frames for a picspam [+1 pt for a cover]
→ 4 points PER tumblr graphic
→ 5 points PER wallpaper
→ 5 points PER 1 set of 8 icon textures OR 1 set of 4 med/large textures
→ 6 points PER 1 mini-mix [front cover + song choices & lyrics]
→ May be original fiction or fanfiction. Any genre is allowed, including poetry.
→ Non-fiction is allowed strictly in the form of coherent explanations for the graphics or song choices in the mini-mixes, i.e. no netspeak,. Smilies do not count as words. Explanations for icons/tumblr graphics/picspams/wallpapers can be a general overview of style/technique/subject, e.g. "I've been working on my lighting techniques, especially in icons 1-5."
→ There will be a recommended posting format, but you do not have to follow it to a t. You are, however, required to indicate clearly the number of words, the rating, and any warnings.
→ Generally, they have to be substantially edited (i.e. don't just crop from a cap), and more importantly, by YOU. Please do NOT edit anyone else's work. Please do credit any textures or caps used in your own resource post.
→ Alts will not count for points. For example, if I have an icon and a textless alt, it would count only as 1 point.
→ Tumblr graphics should be 500x500 or larger.
→ These should include a front cover [preferably 400x400], and 4-5 songs, with lyrics. Explanations are optional but will count for writing points if you choose to do them.
→ If you wish to include youtube and/or download links, feel free.
general rules
→ 20 days to make a minimum of 20 points worth of writing, graphics, and/or mixes. Please feel free to exceed the minimum :3
→ Each round will last 20 days, with one round per month, so there'll be a breathing period for me to gather nuts and berries inspirations.
→ Entries must contain at least 4 points worth of writing, [i.e. 200 words, and text on the graphics don't count!] and 4 points worth of graphics [e.g. 4 icons/1 tumblr graphic/etc].
→ Any combination of writing/graphics/mixes would work. My entry could, for example, have 1 fic of ~300 words [6 points], 1 drabble of 100 words [2 points], 10 icons [10 points], and 1 set of 4 screencaps [2 points] to meet the minimum of 20 points.
→ Multiple fandoms are allowed. (Also: crossovers!) Preferably, though, limit the diversity of your entry XD For example, you could have 3 pieces of writing, each for a different fandom, say HP, DW, and BBC Sherlock. And then you could have 5 icons of The Avengers and another 5 of stock. Generally, people aren't too keen on a post with 20 icons of 20 different fandoms, yknow? :3
→ No claims, no voting! Do, however, take some time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback. If you snag any graphics, please do credit the maker.
→ All entries should be made for the challenge, and be inspired by the post. Feel free to be inspired by the general theme, but do try to link at least one inspiration to each element of your entry.
→ You are encouraged to post your graphics and writing in separate entries in your own journals/archives, especially if your writing is long, is of a higher rating than PG, and/or contains triggery elements. Please link to everything in one entry to the main community though, with the appropriate headings and previews.
more information
→ You may reuse inspirations from the same post for different pieces.
→ If you want concrit, there will be a mid-round post at the sister community, [to be created]. You can comment there and ask for some, whether for fic or art or your mix, regardless if you've already submitted your entry. The post will be there for encouragement and general discussion, so feel free to mingle!
→ There will be a masterlist at the end of each round, with links to fic, graphics, and mix posts.
winner winner chicken dinner
→ As stated above, there will be no voting for anything, but you are free to ask members for their personal favourites. You could even host your own voting post over at [the sister comm] at the end-of-round post!
→ The person who earns the most number of points will be invited to choose the next round's theme and 5 inspirations! I will also randomly choose one other member to choose 5 inspirations for the next round :3