Apr 26, 2008 09:04
i haven't in a while, so i felt the need to update this thing... at least so i have a record of what i did this year.
since i last bitched into this crappy excuse for a journal, i was incredibly depressed and insecure. i am happy to say that this year, like i hoped it would, has drastically increased my confidence. i am much more comfortable with who i am and how i act.
i guess i couldn't have done it without my friends so lemme just give a shoutout to the ones who truly tolerated me for all those lame months where i was crying pretty much every day:
catherine, tess, mott, nora, meaghan, and all the other people i bitched to. i truly respect your tolerance so thank you. :)
on a lighter note: JAZZ BAND TONIGHT!!! i had it last night too, and it was alright. we screwed up a lot; more than usual honestly, but it was still fucking fun. plus i kicked ass. :)
it was pretty funny 'cause i was on stage after the concert and everyone kept coming up to me and telling me how well i did. it took me for fucking ever to even get off the stage 'cause everyone was coming up to me! oh well, i it was nice.
that sounds kinda arrogant, but if i haven't mentioned it before i actually am a fantastic singer. no joke. i know lotsa people say that, but i swear to god i am actually good. i'm tired of being modest about it, so i'll pretty much boast about it whenever i get the chance to. :)
anyhow. i'm happy, i'm relaxed, i'm comfortable, and I'M VISITING BOY TONIGHT. :)