Oct 04, 2006 23:58
I hat ehwen im fucked up because first of all it is such a constant struggle with maintaining a “poker face” if you are able to connewct to my innate tennager jardon anyways the problemw ith being fucked up is that you must do it to establisha monumental lack of innorance and ignorant is something that can make or break a friendshhp and i hate feeling high because of the things it makes me think and feel and manifest into thoughts that flood my brain like a watter fbottle at the edge of wa waterfall i just feel like im nto a godo person i just laugha t eevertuthing and by todays hyypercultured hypersyylizsed version of humanity emotion and smodern soial development than you know i think i fare well for myself but i feel that being fucked up will make bring out a few of my main tralents and positive characteristics the ones im cherring for to survive independant assortment (mendel() anf the whole fertilization sex cells haploid diploid and shit about chrtomomomomsomeeessssss i am a omother
i don’t even know hwa tot speak about bnecuase i am trying to follow the path of the counseling solash olistic psychologist in order to establish a condition that is treatable because my njob the fireld ii got my doctorate ion is something called fixing people
i don’t know how to undetsnad or comprehend langauge there are so many big words i could defin e in my current state like mandibles and unmitigated and apoavasic and atavasiv and borenanidom
i am a razerblade in teh fucked up tapestry quilt hyrbrid mutants united that is humanity civilized culture fuck groups and fuck the face that beihng a loner is a bad thing because it is not and that negativity is a subjective free ladebn baseis tweeaeerrrrmmmm.