A day without rain.......

Oct 21, 2009 04:23

and, it reached 25C! Needless to say I did lots of laundry, and also the bedlinen that was washed on Sunday went out on the line for some additional airing. It was lovely to actually get everything really dry. I also vacuumed the house; it is hard getting to it as the noise hurts Les' ears and I can only do it when he is not around. Last night I had only 2 1/2 hours sleep, so I was feeling desperate, but I still accomplished. I slept for 6 hours tonight until the itching woke me.

Les had the swine flu vaccination, and 3 days later had a reaction to it. He was very listless and unwell, didn't eat all day. Fortunately by the next day he was OK. I'm not in a hurry to have it, as I really can't afford the time to be sick at the moment.

Les is getting really hyper as his trip to Thailand approaches. He keeps talking non stop,and I keep asking him if there is anything important to write it down for me, as I will not otherwise remember it. In a way it will be a relief when he goes and I can get stuck into the cleaning and discarding of items no longer needed. I really feel an urge to get rid of STUFF!

Dave came to whipper-snip the front lawn, but only got part of it done before his equipment broke down. I assume it is still being repaired as I would otherwise have hoped to see him while the weather was fine.

Monday, after obtaining the phone no. of the new Water Authority I rang them and asked if they could please replace the stop cock on the street frontage. They actually turned up within 24 hours, so the water is no longer running across the footpath, and the bathroom tap has stopped dripping. (Air in the pipes)

The roses are all racing to be the first to bloom, so I'm hoping that we may even have a few flowering before Les leaves. Otherwise, there will be photos.

So far this year we have had 22 consecutive weekends where it rained. Not an enviable record by any means.
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