Yesterday we went on to Daylight Saving Time. Since I wake up so early anyway it doesn't make much difference to me, but I still resent the imposition of an artificial time. It was actually warm enough to change into light weight clothing and sandals. (Sandals, how my feet love thee!) Because it was likely to be the only fine day this week I worked hard to get 4 loads of laundry done, as well as other fine weather activities like weeding, and was very tired, so slept well, although only for 5 hours. I made a chicken curry for tea, which should have cooked in a little over 1 hour, but somehow on this new stove it took more than twice that time. It tasted good when it was finally ready.
After gazing at bare branches for what seems like forever, in the past 2 weeks we have watched the leaves unfolding on the birch tree. It is now wearing it's 'gown of green'.