Jan 07, 2009 03:32
I haven't been very visible on LJ over the last 2 weeks, firstly because of Christmas (I had a lovely one), and secondly because the eczema rash which has been driving me demented for a very long time settled down, due to the fact that I was more relaxed, and I was actually SLEEPING 10 to 12 hours per night, so no LJ. However, today the rash flared up again when I went to the chemist to have an essential script filled and discovered that the script was out of date. Fortunately a lot of people go away at this time of year so I was able to get a doctor's appointment for the same day (a very rare occurrence), and came home with the script I needed, plus another appointment to see the skin specialist. To make matters worse my brother came to share one of Les' stirfrys and informed me that he will commence gutting the kitchen on Monday, so there is no hope that the rash will go away any time soon. I'm still trying to get Christmas put away in it's box for another year, organise the sale of Les' dining setting due to the fact that the teak rolltop desk he ordered when he was in Thailand is now on the high seas and will arrive in Hobart before the end of the month, and we need somewhere to put it, and now have to go flat chat getting the kitchen cupboards emptied and packed up, although this particular stress is in a very good cause. I also need to get Harvey Norman to deliver the new oven, cooktop and rangehood, and remove the gas stove. Chaos rules again! By the end of next week the kitchen should be stripped of wallpaper and tiles, cupboards removed and renos well in hand.