Mar 01, 2008 03:38
On Thursday morning the carpet was laid in the bedroom, and I spent the rest of the day cleaning the room and then washing the curtains and cleaning the windows. I placed the 'eggshell' overlay on the mattress and made up the bed and fell into bed exhausted before 8pm. At present, with only the bed in there the room looks to be quite a reasonable size, but unfortunately some of the furniture will be moved back there later this morning. At present it looks quite 'zen' and I have been enjoying the lack of clutter. The overlay has proved to be a good investment and I have slept much better as it is sufficient to soften the firmness of the mattress a little. I slept for 12 hours on Thursday night, but as I said I was exhausted. Friday I was so stiff I could hardly move.
I'll be glad when the TV room is back to normal as there is nowhere comfortable to sit that permits a view of the TV, since all the additional furniture is in the way.
Earlier this week we finally had the TV antenna and cables installed so that we can view HD TV, so one way and another our lifestyle is improving.
Friday morning John the painter came and hung the wallpaper border in the bedroom, so that room is now finished apart from installing a curtain rod. For the past 2 years we have had only lace curtains at the window which provides a little privacy, but it would be nice to be able to dress in there without providing a public performance for the next door neighbours. The room gets the morning sun, and then later in the day the sunroom off it gets sun for the rest of the day so it is well illuminated. With my study also opening off the bedroom it is almost like a private suite of rooms.
I had to ring Apple to ask how to correct the problem with cookies, as Les has been unable to do net banking. "Which" bank says that it's cookies are disabled, and gives suggestions on how to fix the problem, but only for PCs. I have now enabled cookies, but the problem continues. I felt too tired to ring back and ask what I should do next. I suppose it is helpful that one of us can communicate in 'computer speak', Les is quite computer illiterate.