I finally acquired Season 3.0 of Battlestar Galactica.
Yes, I know I'm lagging behind those of you who are exceited about Season 4.0 having started on the Sci-Fi channel. But here's the problem: I don't generally, as a rule, watch much television. Most of the series which I enjoy, I have obtained on DVD. I didn't even start to collect Buffy or Firefly, to my chagrin, until both were off the air.
But I also can't justify paying $60/month for cable or satellite around here. All I really care to watch is the Sci-Fi channel, the Hitler History channel, and a few Discovery channels. Maybe it'd be nice to get local news, since antenna-reception sucks in the Wasatch Valley. But, on the other hand, the news are one of those things which turned me off to regular television. I still watch the news, but I get my news over the Internet. I dislike sensationalism and tabloidism. And, stuff like the Jerry Springer show and informercials just annoy me to the point of becoming an irritation that can negatively affect the rest of my life.
But anyway, I digress.
I've only watched the first three or four episodes so far, but they have provided me a new and edifying perspective to consider on what we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what things might be like for the Insurgents, from the inside. It is something I am going to have to consider more. And, I'm hooked. I'm probably going to be watching Season 3.0, several hours a day, until I'm finished.
I still support acting against Saddam's regime. and especially support removing the Taliban after 9/11, but I also think we need to rethink how to "win the hearts and minds of the people" of Iraq and Afghanistan.