1-800-GOOG-411 I don't know about you guys, but my cell phone is also my primary phone... it's increasingly becoming this way for a lot of people, these days. In awhile, landlines may be almost quaint. My only problem is, Cricket's 411 service is the absolute worst I've ever used. 95% of the time, the number I get is wrong, or they don't even have a listing available. And I get charged a dollar for each time I call 411 on my phone. I've taken to calling up Cricket Customer Service and demanding my dollar back, every time I get a bad number.
One time? I asked for the number to a recruiter's office, to discuss a friend who was thinking of joining the military, and ended up calling a radio station. Live. "You're on the air!" "Uh... "
FINALLY, I have a means of bypassing Cricket. 1-800-GOOG-411 will allow me an alternative. And, better yet, it's free. =)