I keep getting e-mails from the
Human Rights Campaign. They're all about gay, bisexual and transgender (sex-change) "equal rights". (I call some of them "extra rights")
Quick segue on gay issues:
I'm entirely for a live and let live approach to many matters... even the question of gay-related issues, despite my religious background. I'm more concerned with why 60% of marriages fail, than I am with trying to exclude them from the act of marriage. At the same time, though, I recognize that 80% or better of homosexual men I've known are not ready (or willing) for real commitment. Monogamy just isn't part of their vocabulary. More lesbians I've met may be up to commitment, though. And I'm not ignoring heterosexual unfaithfulness as an issue either. But... I'm just saying that, if gays really WANT marriage, then why should I feel compelled to support giving it to them if they don't feel compelled to support it as an institution?
That said, I don't agree with their lifestyle. I believe, from a scientific and rational point of view, that it's a biological dead-end. I believe, from a social point of view that they are particularly obnoxious about how they are going about things. And I believe, from a religious point of view, that God doesn't approve. But hey, I'm also not a huge fan of drinking... but even so, it doesn't mean I'm going to prevent people who drink from having a bar anywhere. I've had tons of coworkers (especially in Utah, more than other states) and friends who are Gay. I've had friends who drink. That's just the way my life is. I don't agree with everything they do, but I don't treat them like they're not human because of it. That doesn't mean I want a gay person (or a drunk) as my future son's pack master, but that's an issue for later discussion.
I've got another "gay issue" that I've been thinking about ranting on. Before this one came up, actually: some really crappy treatment of myself and other men by lesbians, that has me about fed up.
But I digress... It's funny that I felt compelled to explain my position on gay issues at all, isn't it? Like I had to defend myself, proactively, against people interpreting this rant purely as a an anti-gay thing. I'm more against their tactics, on the whole, but am getting to the point that I'm going to start more actively opposing them now.
But anyway!
Somehow, the Human Rights Campaign got a hold of a very special address which I only give out to family and close friends. I don't even post it here, so I can avoid robot programs sniffing it out and stealing it. I've been getting spam from their campaign for months now.
Because they feel that such an underhanded tactic is okay to use, I'm starting to feel like I want to start working against their cause, as a form of punitive justice. Probably not an entirely rational response, but forceful marketing practices just REALLY piss me off. You know, that phone call you get in the middle of dinner? And they won't let you just say no nicely? I feel like it's a human right to not have crap blasted in your face all of the time, without your consent. Like I said: they're obnoxious about how they go about it, and I'm getting to the redline threshold of my irritation on this matter.
And if you want to smack me for my position on gayness? Please tell HRC to get the **** out of my e-mail. Tactics like these piss off fence-sitters like myself. In other words: they're only hurting themselves.