Apr 27, 2005 12:33
During the Veitnam War, 1 in 20 or so soldiers develped Post-Tramatic Stress Disorter, But In the Iraq war, it's 1 in every 6 soldiers. Last night, I was with Matt, driving around downtown, when my cell phone, which was on vibrate in the little..uh..like.. holder thing where you put stuff in between the driver's seat and passenger? Ya know..the fuckin middle console or whatever. Anyway, my phone went off and it scared the shit out of him. He yelled, "oh shit! duck!" and grabbed me and ducked, thinking it was a machine gun attack. This almost brought me to tears. I can't even imagine what he has gone through. He's never spoke of anything but Boot Camp, nothing of his experience in Iraq. His friend, Nathan, after returning home after his first term in Iraq, was too scared to leave his house for a week. He wouldn't answer the phone, the door, nothing. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO THEM?!?!? I think now they're taking those who have P.T.S.D. to Kuait to do border control because they are no longer suitable for combat situations. This whole fuckin thing makes me sick! FUCK BUSH! FUCK THE GOVERNMENT FOR TRYING TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT WE COULDN'T FIND BIN LADDIN, AND TRAYING TO DISTRACT US WITH ANOTHER POINTLESS WAR WITH A COUNTRY WHO HAS NEVER FUCKIN THREATENED US TO BEGIN WITH!KILLING BOYS STRAT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL AND MAKING THEM "HEROS." A hero to me would be someone who stood up and said, "wait, this isn't right! I won't fight for you! I won't die for YOUR belifs, because YOU don't believe in MINE! I won't put my life on the line for a country that kills others for no reason! Take a look around this fuckin country and fix US before you fix another country THAT NEVER EVEN ASKED YOU TO FUCKIN HELP TO BEGIN WITH!" But NOOOO! We have to be the worlds police and ship out and shape them up because WE are the right way and everyone should be like US! What about Korea who is threatening to bomb us? Of a part of Africa that is recruiting children no older than 12 to KILL AND FIGHT ANYONE WHO THINKS DIFFERENTLY! Thanks to Bush, we now have given more countries a reason to HATE us and want to kill us.
..i'm movin to Canada!