Crosspost - Job Acquisition!

Apr 16, 2013 16:53

The start of my week felt like some kind of reality show. One interview turned into five. That’s right. Five.

Three days. Five interviews. Four different coffee companies and a brain game store.

Am I insane? Perhaps. Probably, it was certainly a bit crazy, but at the same time it afforded me a decent amount of downtime in SF. The interviews happened Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but other than the stress of interviews themselves (which really, after the second one? Whatever, man) it was pretty relaxing. I soaked up the sun and warmth in the park next to the Yerba Buena Center. Soft grass, warm sun, some juggling balls, and maybe a letter and some handstands now and then. Man. It was very relaxing, and quite fun to entertain all the small children that were fascinated by my juggling - kids are the best audience, they react to everything and they’re not afraid to come talk to the random juggling chick. Good times, good times.

And on Tuesday, I switched hosts again, this time to stay with Jeni and her housemates! They were quite friendly and fun and my time there included a trip to the climbing gym that Jeni works at! CLIMBING. God, that made me so happy. It may have been months since I last climbed, but oh man, it felt good and I was so sore afterward. The good, happy kind of sore that means you actually worked. Oh, I miss doing that regularly.

Anyhow! After coming out of my last interview on Wednesday, I realized I’d missed a call - a call from Tuesday’s first interview place offering me a job. A JOB. A barista job when I have no experience as a barista. And really, this was the place that I was most hoping to get a job at. I connected with the manager well during the interview - it actually felt like a conversation, not an interview - and they seemed to have the most open hours and most availability for me to work. I sat it the park and did handstands and cartwheels and juggling, I was so happy (Sadly, I did not join the guy that was teaching his friends how to do backflips. Ah, regrets). I did wait a while to think through everything before calling back to accept, but I did accept! A JOB! I GOT A JOB!
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