(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 15:32

The shitkickers. If i were to paint a likeness of them i would paint refried pall malls and empty bottles of miller high life. You look like stevie ray vaughn on meth. You look like stevie cooking meth in a trailer, your hair meth-faded maroon-dyed. Your partner looks like dog the bounty hunter minus the weight. What's that? You want me to commit insurance fraud? I can do that. Oh, you sleep in a motel do you? I'm surprised..
The WoolyLeslie is a chainsaw massacre. It sledge hammers the skulls of the headphoned donna. When the pig called my car brown, i reminded him it's charcoal. When Jimi saw Keith's new clear guitar he called it "far-out". "thats a wicked guitar man."
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