Kit Kittredge (not the U.N.C.L.E. Agent), was apprehended recently trying to smuggle rum into Prince Edward Island, where
as of 1934, Prohibition has yet to be repealed.
Please take a moment to admire her dress. It was hand-crocheted, using
this pattern as the basis for the design. A silk-like lining was added to meet 1930's standards for modesty. The shocked look in her eyes is clearly because she never expected Anne of Green Gables to turn out to be a stoolie.
"Face the wall and spread 'em!" A life of crime never pays.
Luckily, good fashion sense is worth far more than filthy lucre. Kit's dress is buttoned up the back with pearl-like beads.
Remember kids, don't try this at home. The rum-running, that is. Crocheting is still legal, to the best of our knowledge.