My first post, and it's a Meme!

Mar 10, 2007 18:14

I was tagged by jojosimco and callistosh65.

: Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

Revelation (S&H)
This is my current favorite. I think I like it because it's not my usual light fluffy fare. There are some especially nice descriptive passages. But mainly I was playing with ideas and philosophy, and I'm proud of how it turned out.

Queen's Gambit (S&H)
I like this one, too. I think it's because this was the fic that convinced me that S&H could get away with anything in a innocently gen context. Thigh clutching? Hugging? Sleeping together? Unnecessary bathing? Nudity? No problem! They're just those kinds of guys.

Postscript (S&H)
My first novel. I put a lot of sweat into this one, and it's got every single scenario I ever wanted to imagine S&H in - including in bed with each other (in a purely platonic way, of course). It's got action, mystery, romance, gobs of hurt/comfort, and a train wreck! This is the universe I want to live in when I retire.

Mere Anarchy (Pros)
Because I raped Bodie! Oh, wait, that sounded way better in my head than it looks in print. Anyway, yes, this is my rapefic. And it's slash. Need I say any more?

Of Christmas Present (Pros)
I'm proud of this one because I wrote it in the second person, present tense. And yet, at least to my mind, it sounds just like Doyle. I didn't think I could pull it off, and I did. Every once in a while I go back, read it again, and marvel.

And now I'm tagging:

elizabethhelena, true_brit, troyswann, asymphototropic, izzie7
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