Just as soon as I can get some key photos and videos from Allison's hard drive, there will be a fuller post about Knoydart and Caz' fantastic wedding. Until then, here is a dose of awesome that is coming my way, and which I share with you now:
- I have been selected as one of two chefs for this month's
Open ChefAMe. That means that the day after I turn 27, I will be making tequila-shrimp guacamole and honey-jalapeño quail for 65+ people at a restaurant, some of whom will be press. (What have I done?)
- I am going to a workshop/practica (=tango practice session) and concert this Tue/Wed by Otros Aires. To realize the full extent of the awesome here, I would like you to first picture traditional tango music.
This is a good example of really cool traditional tango music, and dancing by my teacher Marc. It's enjoyable. Check it out.
And then watch this video. With great headphones/speakers if you've got 'em.
Click to view
This is world-class nuevo tango electronica. I was actually listening to them with Daniel in Knoydart this past trip, which should give you a sense of how widely known they are. It is such an incredible treat to dance to. [EDIT:
Here is a great vid of a couple making full use of the awesome, onstage with them no less.] And how the Philly tango community has managed to get them here I don't know. But yay for influxes of awesome.