Random Writings

Jun 24, 2010 18:23

So here are a few random things I've written, I figured I might as well put it here to at least say I have a copyright :D

When man first roamed the earth
he asked who and what he is,
today the question is always asked.

Religion begins here like many other ideas
so man build from the ground a new home, the idea
that this enlightenment would bring him closer to god.

However man fought back, and each brother turned on
one another, claiming glory for their ideals and laws.

No enlightenment and no ascension happened, then some where along
line man found his true calling, for he is the destroyer things,
the lone master of this savage domain.

We have usurped our laws, and now we are the very enemies of the gods
we helped create.

I sleep and sleep but I do not sleep
the short moments of death bring me no rest.
The pain which carries through the day torments me
even as I sleep.
I cannot rest even as I sleep, I wake and wake from one dream
to the next.
There is no escape, even as I rest, the day scream at me I feel the pain
tormenting me as I sleep. The pain carries on even as I wake, I did not
rest and now a new day will torment me when I wake.

So I asked her out, she said yes, I don't know what she see in this.
Even I don't know what I see, I asked because I felt like it, it is a cruel joke
on me and on her, I am just experimenting see what I can do when I do not care,
I might not like her, but I might have my way with her.
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